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U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-5012
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
ABSTRACTDetermining whether a man recently diagnosed with prostate cancer has aggressive disease requiring immediately radical therapy or indolent disease requiring a more passive watchful waiting or active surveillance approach is a current clinical challenge. This technology development study is focused on developing Magnetic Resonance -Electrical Property Tomography (MR-EPT) specifically for prostate imaging. MR-EPT is an imaging modality that may enable clinicians to image the electrical properties of prostate at near MR resolution. These electrical properties are hypothesized to provide sufficient contrast for distinguishing between aggressive and indolent prostate cancer. Much of the third year of this program has focused on additional MR-EPT image reconstruction algorithm development and optimization, experimental imaging of both simplistic and anatomically accurate phantoms, continued recruitment for ex vivo and in vivo prostate imaging, and statistical analysis of ex vivo prostate data. During this year we have demonstrated additional imaging capabilities of MR-EPT through phantom studies, have recruited and imaged the majority of our proposed ex vivo cohort of prostates, and continued recruitment for the in vivo imaging phase of this program. The no-cost-extension 6 months of the program will primarily focus on completing our in vivo data acquisition, statistical analysis of our data, and preparation of publications and proposals for follow-on more clinically focused studies.
INTRODUCTIONThis program builds off of our extensive experience in using electrical properties of prostate to distinguish malignant from benign tissues [1][2][3][4][5] and specifically stems from exciting new data published in The Prostate [6] in which we demonstrated significant electrical property differences...