Raman optical activity (ROA) becomes a standard method to monitor
peptide conformation. However, the signal in the CH-stretching region
is particularly difficult to measure and interpret. In order to understand
the structural information contained in this part of the spectrum,
data obtained on a custom-made ROA spectrometer have been analyzed
for the model Ala–Ala molecule, with the help of molecular
dynamics (MD) and density functional theory computations. The Ala–Ala
enantiomers provided the “mirror image” spectra, which
proves that the signal can be reliably measured, in spite of a rather
low ROA/Raman intensity ratio (∼2 × 10–5). The theoretical modeling indicated that the most intense ROA bands
can be attributed to locally asymmetric CH3 and αCH vibrations, whereas symmetric methyl CH-stretching modes contribute
less. A simplified model made it possible to estimate the contribution
of local chirality of the two alanine residues to the resultant ROA
pattern. In spite of a significant frequency shift (over 100 cm–1) because of the anharmonic corrections, the harmonic
level was able to explain the main spectral features. The anharmonic
corrections were treated by second-order perturbation and limited
vibrational configuration interaction procedures. This allowed for
assignment of some weaker spectral features because of the combination
and overtone vibrations. The results show that the peptide CH-stretching
ROA signal contains rich structural information, reflecting also the
peptide environment. The experimental data, however, need to be deciphered
by relatively complex and time-consuming spectral simulations.