A comparison of hyperfine coupling constants obtained by electron-nuclear double resonance spectroscopy of in vitro monomer chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll free radicals with those of the photoesr (electron spin resonance) signal associated with light conversion in photosynthesis provides convincing support for the special pair model for the in vivo photo-reaction center. The special pair model for photo-active chlorophyll predicts that the esr line shape will be narrowed by a factor 1/A/2 relative to monomer Chl at, and that each and every electronnuclear hyperfine (hf) coupling constant in a special pair will be reduced by a factor of 1/2 relative to the monomer coupling constants. A comparison of hf splittings measured in both in vivo and in vitro chlorophyll free radicals is thus a considerably more rigorous test of the special pair proposal. Because chlorophyll free radical esr signals, especially in vivo, do not show hf structures that permit extraction of hf coupling constants, we have had resort to electron-nuclear double resonance (endor) spectroscopy, a high resolution extension of esr first discovered by G. Feher (22), which in combination with organisms and chlorophylls of unnatural isotopic composition makes assignment of the endor spectrum and hf coupling constants possible.
MATERIALS AND METHODSInstrumentation. Endor spectra were recorded at 10'K and 108'K on a modified Varian E-700 spectrometer.Production of Chlorophyll Free Radicals. In vitro free radicals were usually generated in 10-4 10-1 M Chl solutions in thoroughly degassed C2H2C12-C2H302H by chemical oxidation with minimal amounts of iodine (23), ferric chloride, or zinc tetraphenylporphyrin free radical (24).In vivo free radicals for endor were generated in packed whole cells, chromatophores, chloroplasts, and reaction center preparations by careful titration with KFe(CN)6. The esr and endor signals produced by this chemical method are indistinguishable from the photo-induced signal in bacteria (16) and green algae and thus are believed to have the same origin.