An electrophoretic purification of Rhodospirillum rubrum photoreceptor subunits preparedby alkaline urea-detergent disruption is described. Completely active photoreceptor subunits with less than 0.30 eq of iron (or any Recent results from this laboratory (1, 2) have demonstrated that photosynthetic membrane fragments (chromatophores) of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum can be quantitatively dissociated to yield active photoreceptor subunits. The procedure, in which chromatophores are treated with Triton X-100 and urea at high pH (AUT conditions), followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, causes a displacement of much of the phospholipid and a separation of about half of the protein originally present in the chromatophore membranes. The photoreceptor complex has a particle weight of about 100,000, contains most of its original complement of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid, and also retains high photochemical efficiency for the use of light absorbed by antenna carotenoids or bacteriochlorophyll. Iron was the only transition metal still present in the preparation at a high-enough concentration to have a direct role in the photochemical reaction. In the present report, we present data to show that iron is not required in these preparations for good photochemical activity (see also ref.3) and, therefore, probably does not function as the primary electron acceptor in these systems.The fact that transition metals do not play a role in the primary photochemical reaction would require that a second Abbreviations: AUT particles, the phototrap-containing fraction prepared by the combined alkaline urea-Triton X-100 method for membrane dissolution; AUT-e, electrophoretically-purified AUT particles; P865, the primary electron-donor molecule, characterized by a light-induced absorbance decrease at 865 nm. organic free-radical should be observable in these preparations, since the primary electron donor, a bacteriochlorophyll molecule, loses a single electron. In the case of the more intact membranous systems (e.g., chromatophores), it is well established that the only radical observed under the usual conditions of steady-state illumination is accounted for by the primary electron donor molecule (4-7). We also report here a newly observed EPR signal, which appears upon preparation of photoreceptor subunits from R. rubrum membrane particles. The molecule that gives rise to the signal has properties that would be expected of a primary electron acceptor.
MATERIALS AND METHODSTriton X-100 is a product of Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia, Pa. All other chemicals were of at least reagent grade purity, and all solutions were made with deionized or deionized and distilled water.Conditions for growth of R. rubrum and preparation of the chromatophore fraction from whole cells have been described (4). Details for dissolution of chromatophores by the alkaline-urea-Triton method have also been given (1, 2). The original conditions (3% Triton X-100-6 M urea, pH 11.5) were modified by the addition of 1 ...