This paper aimed to evaluate the efficiency of subset selection of markers for genome-enabled prediction of genetic values using radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN). For this purpose, an F1 population from hybridization of divergent parents with 500 individuals geno-typed with 1,000 SNP-type markers was simulated. Phenotypic traits were determined by adopting three different gene action models – additive, additive-dominant, and epistasic , com-plying with two dominance situations: partial and complete with quantitative traits admitting heritability (h2) equal to 30 and 60%, each one controlled by 50 loci, considering two alleles per locus, totaling 12 different scenarios. To evaluate the predictive ability of RR_BLUP and the neural networks, a cross-validation procedure with five replicates were trained using 80% of the individuals of the population. Two methods were used: dimensionality reduction and stepwise regression. The square of the correlation between the predicted genomic estimated breeding val-ue (GEBV) and the phenotype value was used to measure predictive reliability. For h2 = 0.3 in the additive scenario, the R2 values were 59% for neural network (RBFNN) and 57% for RR-BLUP, and in the epistatic scenario, R2 values were 50% and 41%, respectively. Additionally, when analyzing the mean-squared error root, the difference in performance between the tech-niques is even greater. For the additive scenario, the estimates were 91 for RR-BLUP and 5 for neural networks and, in the most critical scenario, they were 427 for RR-BLUP and 20 for neu-ral network. The results showed that the use of neural networks and variable selection tech-niques allows capturing epistasis interactions, leading to an improvement in the accuracy of pre-diction of the genetic value and, mainly, to a large reduction of the mean square error, which indicates greater genomic value.