Accurate measurements of absorption data are required for the development and validation of inversion algorithms for upcoming hyperspectral ocean color imaging sensors, such as the NASA Phytoplankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem mission. This study aims to provide uncertainty estimates associated with leading approaches to measure hyperspectral absorption coefficients in complex coastal waters. Absorption spectra were collected at 12 different stations, all located in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA, between 09 January 2017 and 13 January 2017. Measurements included spectral absorption coefficients in the visible range (400-700 nm) associated with dissolved, a CDOM , total particulate, a p , and total nonwater, a nw , fractions, and were made both in situ and from discrete samples. Discrete sample approaches included dual-beam spectrophotometer, liquid waveguide capillary cell, point-source integrating cavity absorption meter (PSICAM) for dissolved matter absorption samples, and quantitative filter technique ICAM measurements and the dual-beam spectrophotometer with center-mounted integrating sphere filter pad technique, while the Turner Designs ICAM, and WET Labs AC-s, and AC-9 instruments were used to determine absorption coefficients in situ. The Gershun approach, determining absorption from measurement of the irradiance quartet with respect to depth was also assessed in situ. Measurement uncertainties and relative accuracies were quantified for each of these approaches. Results showed generally strong agreements between different discrete sample methods, with average percent absolute error %δ abs < 7% for a CDOM and < 9% for a p . In situ approaches showed higher variability and reduced accuracy. For a nw , %δ abs deviation relative to PSICAM data was on average 12% to 20%. Results help identify remaining technological gaps and need for improvements in the different absorption measurement approaches.Light absorption is a fundamental property of natural waters influencing the propagation of the underwater light field (Mobley 1994;Zaneveld et al. 2005;Wo zniak and Dera 2007). Absorption acts as a spectral filter for incident and scattered solar irradiance (e.g., Jerlov 1976;Morel and Prieur 1977;Lewis et al. 1990). Light absorption is commonly quantified as spectral absorption coefficient a(λ) (m À1 ), where λ is the wavelength in vacuum. The accurate quantification of this coefficient and its variability are important for understanding many physical and biological processes in the upper ocean, which are driven by or depend on solar radiation, for example, various photochemical reactions, heating of water column, availability of energy for photosynthesis, or availability of light for animal vision that is important even at mesopelagic depths. Absorption coefficients can provide information on the nature and concentration of various nonwater constituents dissolved and suspended within water (e.g., Twardowski et al. 2005;Wo zniak and Dera 2007;Twardowski et al. 2018a), such as phytoplankton pigments...