The following list covers some old measurements not included in previous lists and most of the samples measured at the Uppsala C14 laboratory since the last list (Radiocarbon, 1967, v. 9, p. 454-470); samples utilized for determining the increase of the C14/C12 ratio clue to explosion of nuclear devices are omitted.The technique used is mainly the same as previously described by Olsson (1958) with changes given in Radiocarbon, 1967, v. 9, p. 454. Pretreatment of samples is mainly that which has been used earlier (Radiocarbon: 1964, .v. 6, p. 291; 1967, v. 9, p. 454 where 8014 is the age-corrected C14 deviation from the reference sample in per mil in the year A.D. 1950, and 8013 is the deviation from PDB standard in per mil. Errors include standard deviation (Q) of counted particles and errors in corrections due to the C13/C12 ratio, filling pressure, temperature, working voltage, barometric pressure etc. as described by Olsson (1965, 1966). When measured activity is lower than zero, 2 Q has been used for calculation of minimum age. When it is between zero and 2 Q, net activity is increased by 2 for calculation of minimum age. Since the results are presented as physical measurements, no terms are included for the error in the half-life or previous C14/C12 variations.