The aim of this study was to examine the spatio‐temporal appearance of different neuronal cell subtypes by analyzing expression patterns of several neuronal markers (calretinin, neurofilament 200 (NF200), vanilloid receptor 1(VR1) and calcitonin gene‐related peptide (CGRP)) of the embryonic human spinal cord (SC). Developing human SCs from 11 human conceptuses beetwen 5–10 developmental weeks (DW) were examined by light and electron microscopy and immunofluorescence. Light and electron microscopy revealed different embryonic stages of recognizable structure of the SC. NF200, CGRP and VR1 positive cells were observed in SCs during 5th–6th DW. NF200 was predominantly expressed in the ventral part, indicating presence of motoneurons. As development advanced, NF200 was mainly expressed in the marginal zone. Expression of CGRP was intense during all of the investigated periods, predominantly during the 5th–6th DW pointing to neural sensory differentiation, as opposed to the last DW when reduced expression of CGRP in the marginal layer indicated the terminations of the sensory afferents. Expression of VR1 was highest in the intermediate zone, at the beginning and at the end of the investigated periods, pointing to VR1 spatial pattern in the visceral afferents in the grey matter, while the first signs of calretinin were found in the 9th–10th DW ventrally. Delineating the relationships between factors involved in processes of neuronal differentiation as well as spatial and temporal arrangement of SC interrelated neurons can provide a useful information about normal SC development as well as the insight in possible causes of anomalies and disorders during embryonic life.