entanglement between the spin states of a metal center
and radical ligands is suggested in an iron(II) [Fe(dipyvd)2]2+ compound (dipyvd = 1-isopropyl-3,5-dipyridil-6-oxoverdazyl).
Wave function ab initio (Difference Dedicated Configuration
Interaction, DDCI) inspections were carried out to stress the versatility
of local spin states. We named this phenomenon excited state
spinmerism, in reference to our previous work (see Roseiro
et al., ChemPhysChem
2022, e202200478)
where we introduced the concept of spinmerism as
an extension of mesomerism to spin degrees of freedom. The construction
of localized molecular orbitals allows for a reading of the wave functions
and projections onto the local spin states. The low-energy spectrum
is well-depicted by a Heisenberg picture. A 60 cm–1 ferromagnetic interaction is calculated between the radical ligands
with the S
total = 0 and 1 states largely
dominated by a local low-spin S
Fe = 0.
In contrast, the higher-lying S
total =
2 states are superpositions of the local S
Fe = 1 (17%, 62%) and S
Fe = 2 (72%, 21%)
spin states. Such mixing extends the traditional picture of a high-field d
6 Tanabe-Sugano diagram. Even in the absence
of spin–orbit coupling, the avoided crossing between different
local spin states is triggered by the field generated by radical ligands.
This puzzling scenario emerges from versatile local spin states in
compounds which extend the traditional views in molecular magnetism.