Misner space, also known as the Lorentzian orbifold R 1,1 /boost, is one of the simplest examples of a cosmological singularity in string theory. In this work, the study of weakly coupled closed strings on this space is pursued in several directions: (i) physical states in the twisted sectors are found to come in two kinds: short strings, which wind along the compact space-like direction in the cosmological (Milne) regions, and long strings, which wind along the compact time-like direction in the (Rindler) whiskers. The latter can be viewed as infinitely long static open strings, stretching from Rindler infinity to a finite radius and folding back onto themselves. (ii) As in the Schwinger effect, tunneling between these states corresponds to local pair production of winding strings. The tunneling rate approaches unity as the winding number w gets large, as a consequence of the singular geometry. (iii) The one-loop string amplitude has singularities on the moduli space, associated to periodic closed string trajectories in Euclidean time. In the untwisted sector, they can be traced to the combined existence of CTCs and Regge trajectories in the spectrum. In the twisted sectors, they indicate pair production of winding strings. (iv) At a classical level and in sufficiently low dimension, the condensation of winding strings can indeed lead to a bounce, although the required initial conditions are not compatible with Misner geometry at early times. (v) The semi-classical analysis of winding string pair creation can be generalized to more general (off-shell) geometries. We show that a regular geometry regularizes the divergence at large winding number. * Incumbent of the Recanati career development chair for energy research