Key words strongly coupled plasma, quark gluon plasma PACS 12.38Mh, 31.15.Qg, 51.20.+d, 52.27Gr Based on the constituent quasiparticle model of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), color quantum path-integral Monte-Carlo (PIMC) calculations of the thermodynamic properties of the QGP are performed. We extend our previous zero chemical potential simulations to the QGP at finite baryon chemical potential. The results indicate that color PIMC can be applied not only above the QCD critical temperature Tc but also below Tc. Besides reproducing the lattice equation of state our approach yields also valuable additional insight into the internal structure of the QGP, via the pair distribution functions of the various quasiparticles. In particular, the pair distribution function of gluons reflects the existence of gluon-gluon bound states at low temperatures and µ = 175 MeV, i.e. glueballs, while meson-like bound states are not found.Copyright line will be provided by the publisher 1 Basics of the QGP model and comparison with PIMC for plasmas Strongly correlated charged particle systems have attracted growing interest over the recent three decades in many fields. This includes laser compressed plasmas [1], ions in traps, dusty plasmas [2] or dense plasmas in planet cores. For the theoretical description of dense quantum plasmas path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations have proved particularly successful, e.g. [3,4]. A few years ago experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory [5] and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN [6] have produced an unconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) which turned out to behave as a nonideal liquid [5,7], Although equilibrium properties of the strongly QGP are successfully computed using lattice QCD [5,8,9], these simulations are very time consuming and not easy to interpret. Also, they fail, e.g. at large quark chemical potential. Based on the above mentioned experience with PIMC simulations of strongly correlated Coulomb systems it is, therefore, tempting to make these methods available also for the description of the QGP. We have developed such "color PIMC" simulations in recent years, e.g. [10][11][12] focusing on zero baryon chemical potential. Here we extend these simulations to the important case of finite chemical potential. In the following we briefly discuss the model [13] and present first results for the thermodynamic properties.To start with we provide a comparison of an ("electromagnetic") electron-ion plasma and a quark gluon plasma, see Table 1, since this provides the basis to understand the main physical ingredients required for realistic color PIMC simulations. Although QCD was constructed in analogy to quantum electrodynamics there exist fundamental differences. While Coulomb interacting charges are mapped on fermions (or bosons) whose interaction is mediated by (usually weakly interacting) photons the situation in QCD is different. Here also the field particles (gluons) providing the interaction between fermions (quarks and...