Abstract.It is shown that Grover's search algorithm can be implemented on a Rydberg atom data register using a short terahertz half-cycle pulse. Using optimal control theory, a shaped terahertz pulse is designed that can perform the search algorithm better than an unshaped half-cycle pulse. Starting from an initial wave packet, it is shown that it is possible to use the search algorithm to synthesize single-energy eigenstates.
IntroductionIn this paper, we show that Grover's search algorithm [1] can be performed on a Rydberg atom data register using a broadband, terahertz half-cycle pulse (HCP). The search algorithm is a quantum mechanical method of searching an N-state database to ®nd a single bit of information stored in one of the states. A general understanding of the search algorithm can be obtained from reference [2]. The database consists of quantum states that are otherwise indistinguishable except for the relative phase di erences between them. The algorithm transforms this phase information into amplitude information, which can then be measured easily. The algorithm has been implemented in several physical systems [3±9]; here we present an implementation in a Rydberg atom.We present three related, but di erent, results. Using an impulse model of the HCP, it is shown that the phase retrieval performed by the HCP is closely related to the inversion-about-the-average operation central to the search algorithm. Using optimal control theory, shaped terahertz pulses are designed that can perform the search algorithm better than unshaped HCPs. Finally, it is shown that a broadband terahertz pulse can be used to drive a Rydberg wave packet population into a single eigenstate.The motivation for this research is the implementation of Grover's search algorithm [1] in a Rydberg atom. Figure 1 shows a schematic of this process. In our implementation of the quantum search algorithm, the data register is a Rydberg wave packet, i.e. a superposition of several eigenstates. In the experimental system, the 24p through 29p states of Cesium are used. Each eigenstate acts as a bit, and the information is stored in the phases of these eigenstates. A binary encoding is used: if the phase of an eigenstate relative to a reference state is 0, then the bit value is binary 0; if the phase of an eigenstate is º relative to a reference,