The development of quantum technologies which use quantum states of the light field interacting with other systems creates a demand for such states over wide frequency ranges. In this work we compare the bipartite entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) -steering properties of the two different parametric schemes which produce third-harmonic optical fields from an input field at the fundamental frequency. The first scheme uses second harmonic cascaded with sum-frequency generation, while the second uses triply degenerate fourwave mixing, also known as direct third-harmonic generation. We find that both schemes produce continuousvariable bipartite entanglement and EPR steering over a frequency range which has previously been unobtainable. The direct scheme produces a greater degree of EPR steering, while the cascaded scheme allows for greater flexibility in having three available bipartitions, thus allowing for greater flexibility in the tailoring of light matter interfaces. There are also parameter regimes in both for which classical mean-field analyses fail to predict the mean-field solutions. Both schemes may be very useful for applications in quantum communication and computation networks, as well as providing for quantum interfaces between a wider range of light and atomic ensembles than is presently practicable.