Quantum matter hosts a large variety of phases, some coexisting, some competing; when two or more orders occur together, they are often entangled and cannot be separated. Dynamical multiferroicity, where fluctuations of electric dipoles lead to magnetisation, is an example where the two orders are impossible to disentangle. Here we demonstrate elevated magnetic response of a ferroelectric near the ferroelectric quantum critical point (FE QCP) since magnetic fluctuations are entangled with ferroelectric fluctuations. We thus suggest that any ferroelectric quantum critical point is an inherent multiferroic quantum critical point. We calculate the magnetic susceptibility near the FE QCP and find a region with enhanced magnetic signatures near the FE QCP, and controlled by the tuning parameter of the ferroelectric phase. The effect is small but observablewe propose quantum paraelectric strontium titanate as a candidate material where the magnitude of the induced magnetic moments can be ∼ 5 × 10 −7 µB per unit cell near the FE QCP.Quantum matter exhibits a plethora of novel phases and effects upon driving [1], one of which is the strong connection between the quantum critical point (QCP) of one order parameter and the presence of another phase. The discussion has often focussed on the relation between superconductivity and one or more magnetic phases [2][3][4]. However, other fluctuation-driven phase transitions, for example nematic phases in iron-based superconductors [3,5], have also received significant attention. We focus here on the ferroelectric (FE) QCP which is a key part of the discussion of FE behaviour, particularly in displacive quantum paraelectrics [6,7]. The behaviours that may occur near or as a result of such an FE QCP have been explored in various contexts [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13], and the list of systems where the effects of quantum fluctuations can be observed is expanding, with temperatures up to ∼ 60K in some organic charge-transfer complexes [10,14].The concept of dynamical multiferroicity was introduced recently as the dynamical counterpart of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya mechanism, reflecting the symmetry between electric and magnetic properties [15]. In the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya mechanism [16-18], ferroelectric polarisation is caused by a spatially varying magnetic structure, leading to strong coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism [19][20][21]. In the related phenomenon of dynamical multiferroicity, magnetic moments m can be induced by time-dependent oscillations of electric dipole moments p: m = λ p × ∂ t p = C n × ∂ t n.(1)For magnetic moments to be induced, p has to exhibit transverse fluctuations; we therefore focus on rotational degrees of freedom of electric dipole moments [22]. The unit direction vector of the constant amplitude electric dipole moment is n ≡ n(r, t), with time derivative ∂ t n, and C = λ|p| 2 in terms of the electric dipole moments p (we use estimates from uniform polarisation P 0 = |p|V with volume V in FE phases), and coupling λ = π/e, with e the electric ...