We present a modulated microwave approach for quantum computing with qubits comprising three spins in a triple quantum dot. This approach includes single-and two-qubit gates that are protected against low-frequency electrical noise, due to an operating point with a narrowband response to high frequency electric fields. Furthermore, existing double quantum dot advances, including robust preparation and measurement via spin-to-charge conversion, are immediately applicable to the new qubit. Finally, the electric dipole terms implicit in the high frequency coupling enable strong coupling with superconducting microwave resonators, leading to more robust two-qubit gates.
PACS numbers:Spins in quantum dots as an architecture for quantum information processing require some combination of electric and magnetic field control at the nanometer scale [1]. While the intrinsic coherence properties of the spins can be remarkable, the need for such control inevitably couples the qubit degree of freedom to low-frequency electric or magnetic noise [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Approaches that mitigate this coupling, via dynamical decoupling or composite pulse sequences, all require rapid 'pulsed gate' control either for individual qubits or for two-qubit gates, which in turn requires wide bandwidths for the control electronics. While this has led to a variety of advances in the field, paradoxically it also leads to the use of quantum bits as sensors, rather than as protected devices [9].Instead, we suggest that the use of so-called exchangeonly qubits [10,11], comprising three spins in a triple quantum dot [12][13][14][15][16][17] and implemented experimentally [18][19][20][21], provide an opportunity for protection against low-frequency control noise in analogy to advances in superconducting devices [22]. In particular, by having exchange couplings always on, a regime with no low-frequency field response and a narrowband, resonant response becomes accessible. We denote this the resonant exchange (RX) qubit, and refer the reader to the concurrent Ref. [23] for an experimental demonstration of these ideas. Furthermore, our approach has a protected two-qubit interaction via exchange [24,25] or via resonant dipole-dipole interactions. As coupling between qubits relies on electric fields rather than tunneling, devices could be implemented in a wide variety of potential materials such as two dimensional electron gas and nanowire depletion dots. Finally, we show that the dipolar nature of the RX qubit also enables strong coupling with high quality factor microwave cavities.The few electron regime of interest for our triple dot system we describe by the Hubbard model [15](1) where U is the individual dot charging energy, U c is the cross-charging energy, V i is the local potential set by applied gate voltages on dot i, t ij is the tunneling between dots i and j, and c † iσ is the creation operator for an electron on dot i with spin σ. For simplicity, we assume a linear array and set t 12 = t l , t 23 = t r , t 13 = 0, and have defined tunneling...