Quantum dot cellular automata(QCA) is a computational paradigm which uses tiny semiconductor crystals as the basic units of information in computer circuits that can be used to process information similar to transistors. This work introduces a novel half-adder design in single-layer using 90◦ cells in a single clock zone. Moreover, a full adder circuit using 37 cells in one layer with 0.5 latency is proposed which further forms the basis of a nano-scale parallel binary adder(RCA) design in QCADesigner v2.0.3. The proposed 4-bit design uses 174 cells without the use of any cross-wiring with a latency of only 1 clock. The detailed energy dissipation study of the circuits is also investigated for different tunneling energies using the QCAPro tool. The comparison results of the adder circuits in respect of quantum cost, latency, cell count and total average energy dissipation show significant improvement as compared to the latest QCA-based adder designs.