This paper concerns the representation of angular momentum operatorsin the Born-Oppenheimer theory of polyatomic molecules and the variousforms of the associated conservation laws. Topics addressed includethe question of whether these conservation laws are exactly equivalentor only to some order of the Born-Oppenheimer parameter$\kappa=(m/M)^{1/4}$, and what the correlation is between angularmomentum quantum numbers in the various representations. Thesequestions are addressed both in problems involving a single potentialenergy surface, and those with multiple, strongly coupled surfaces;and both in the electrostatic model and those for which fine structureand electron spin are important. The analysis leads to an examinationof the transformation laws under rotations of the electronicHamiltonian; of the basis states, both adiabatic and diabatic, alongwith their phase conventions; of the potential energy matrix; and ofthe derivative couplings. These transformation laws are placed in thegeometrical context of the structures in the nuclear configurationspace that are induced by rotations, which include the rotationalorbits or fibers, the surfaces upon which the orientation of themolecule changes but not its shape; and the section, an initial valuesurface that cuts transversally through the fibers. Finally, it issuggested that the usual Born-Oppenheimer approximation can bereplaced by a dressing transformation, that is, a sequence of unitarytransformations that block-diagonalize the Hamiltonian. When thedressing transformation is carried out, we find that the angularmomentum operator does not change.