A systematic investigation of the nuclear-polarization effects in one-and few-electron heavy ions is presented. The nuclear-polarization corrections in the zeroth and first orders in 1/Z are evaluated to the binding energies, the hyperfine splitting, and the bound-electron g factor. It is shown, that the nuclear-polarization contributions can be substantially canceled simultaneously with the rigid nuclear corrections. This allows for new prospects for probing the QED effects in strong electromagnetic field and the determination of fundamental constants. 31.30.js, 32.10.Fn The enormous progress made in experimental investigations of heavy highly charged ions during the last decades (see, e.g., Refs. [1][2][3][4][5] and references therein) has triggered the vigorous development of ab initio QED theory in the presence of strong nuclear fields. The relativistic behaviour of electrons in highly charged ions requires a fully relativistic description from the very beginning, i.e. nonperturbative in the αZ parameter, where Z is the nuclear charge number. This plays a key role in contrast to QED theory for light atomic systems, where the parameter αZ is employed as an expansion parameter. Over the last decades an essential progress has been achieved in theoretical calculations of various spectroscopic properties of highly charged ions, such as transition energies, hyperfine splitting (HFS), and g factor (see Refs. [6][7][8] for reviews). In many cases further improvement of the achieved theoretical accuracy seems strongly limited by the lack of the knowledge of the nuclear properties. E.g., in the case of the g factor of H-like lead ion the uncertainty of nuclear charge distribution correction is the main source of the total uncertainty, and in the case of the HFS in the H-like bismuth ion the uncertainty of the nuclear magnetization distribution correction (so-called Bohr-Weisskopf effect) strongly masks the QED contributions. In Ref. [9] it was proposed to consider a specific difference of the HFS values of H-and Li-like ions with the same nucleus, where the uncertainty of the BohrWeisskopf effect is significantly reduced and the QED effects can be tested on the level of a few percent. In the case of the g factor similar cancellations of the finite nuclear size corrections have been recognized for the specific differences of the g factors of H-and Li-like ions in Ref. [10] and of H-and Blike ions in Ref.[11], respectively. These differences can be calculated with a substantially higher accuracy, which opens excellent perspectives for a test of the QED effects and even provides a possibility for an independent determination of the fine structure constant from the strong-field QED theory.Another nuclear effect appears due to the intrinsic nuclear dynamics, where the nucleus interacting with electrons via the radiation field can undergo real or virtual electromagnetic excitations. The latter effect leads to the nuclear- polarization (NP) correction, e.g., to the binding energy of the electrons. Being restricted to phe...