In loop quantum cosmology, non-perturbative quantum gravity effects lead to the resolution of the big bang singularity by a quantum bounce without introducing any new degrees of freedom. Though fundamentally discrete, the theory admits a continuum description in terms of an effective Hamiltonian. Here we provide an algorithm to obtain the corresponding effective action, establishing in this way the covariance of the theory for the first time. This result provides new insights on the continuum properties of the discrete structure of quantum geometry and opens new avenues to extract physical predictions such as those related to gauge invariant cosmological perturbations.Understanding the nature of gravity and spacetime at high energies is one of the most interesting open issues in theoretical physics. In it lie the answers to various questions which Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) fails to address, such as the origin of our Universe and the resolution of the big bang singularity. This is also deeply connected with our understanding of the way various dynamical and structural properties of the spacetime and the field equations, such as covariance, emerge from a more fundamental description.It is generally believed that limitations of GR would be overcome in a quantum theory of gravity, which is expected to cure the big bang singularity and provide modifications to the Friedman dynamics in the early universe. An approach in this direction is to find a renormalizable perturbative theory of quantum gravity which agrees with GR at low energies. This inspired modifications of the Einstein-Hilbert action via addition of terms involving higher curvature invariants and higher derivatives of the metric, motivating ansatzes to potentially tame the initial singularity (see for example [1]). They inevitably have more degrees of freedom than GR and often face limitations such as lack of unitarity, ghosts, and instabilities. These effective theories are based on a classical continuum spacetime and are covariant by construction.To faithfully capture the dynamical nature of spacetime, however, we need to go beyond the perturbative methods. One such approach is loop quantum gravity, which is background independent and non-perturbative [2]. It is a canonical quantization of gravity with classical phase space given by the Ashtekar variables: the connection A i a and the triad E a i . A key prediction of the theory is the discreteness of the eigenvalues of geometrical operators such as volume and area. Thus, the classical notion of a smooth differentiable geometry is replaced by a discrete quantum geometry. Techniques of LQG have been successfully applied to formulate loop quantum cosmology (LQC) which is a non-perturbative quantization of cosmological spacetimes [3]. In recent years, extensive analytical work and numerical simulations have shown that the big bang singularity can be resolved in LQC. The non-perturbative quantum geometric effects result in a quantum bounce to a pre-big bang branch when the energy density o...