The following errors was introduced during the production process. In section 1.3. Outline the final two sentences should be interchanged and read 'In appendix C we derive the asymptotic behavior of the maximum mean value F sG =F sG (c) for the coherent superposition of two squeezed Gaussian states. We conclude in appendix D by describing the model of the dissipation of a quantum state via interaction with a reservoir at zero temperature.' instead of 'We conclude in appendix D by describing the model of the dissipation of a quantum state via interaction with a reservoir at zero temperature. In appendix C we derive the asymptotic behavior of the maximum mean value F sG =F sG (c) for the coherent superposition of two squeezed Gaussian states.' Also, reference [14] has an error in the year of publication. It should read 'Straka I, Lachman L, Hloušek J, Miková M, Mičuda M, Ježek M and Filip R 2018 npj Quantum Inf. 4 4' not 'Straka I, Lachman L, Hloušek J, Miková M, Mičuda M, Ježek M and Filip R 2016 npj Quantum Inf. 4 4'.