Interfacing a single photon with another quantum system is a key capability in modern quantum information science. It allows quantum states of matter, such as spin states of atoms [1,2], atomic ensembles [3,4] or solids [5], to be prepared and manipulated by photon counting and, in particular, to be distributed over long distances. Such light-matter interfaces have become crucial to fundamental tests of quantum physics [6] and realizations of quantum networks [7]. Here we report non-classical correlations between single photons and phonons -the quanta of mechanical motion -from a nanomechanical resonator. We implement a full quantu protocol involving initialization of the resonator in its quantum ground state of motion and subsequent generation and read-out of correlated photon-phonon pairs. The observed violation of a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is clear evidence for the non-classical nature of the mechanical state generated. Our results demonstrate the availability of on-chip solid-state mechanical resonators as light-matter quantum interfaces. The performance we achieved will enable studies of macroscopic quantum phenomena [8] as well as applications in quantum communication [9], as quantum memories [10] and as quantum transducers [11,12].Over the past few years, nanomechanical devices have been discussed as possible building blocks for quantum information architectures [9,13]. Their unique feature is that they combine an engineerable solid-state platform on the nanoscale with the possibility to coherently interact with a variety of physical quantum systems including electronic or nuclear spins, single charges, and photons [14,15]. This feature enables mechanics-based hybrid quantum systems that interconnect different, independent physical qubits through mechanical modes.A successful implementation of such quantum transducers requires the ability to create and control quantum states of mechanical motion. The first step -the initialization of micro-and nanomechanical systems in their quantum ground state of motion -has been realized in various mechanical systems either through direct cryogenic cooling [16,17] or laser cooling using microwave [18] and optical cavity fields [19]. Further progress in quantum state control has mainly been limited to the domain of electromechanical devices, in which mechanical motion couples to superconducting circuits in the form of qubits and microwave cavities [15]. Recent achievements include single-phonon control of a micromechanical resonator by a superconducting flux qubit [16], the generation of quantum entanglement between quadratures of a microwave cavity field and micromechanical motion [20], * This work was published in Nature 530, 313-316 (2016 Interfacing mechanics with optical photons in the quantum regime is highly desirable because it adds important features such as the ability to transfer mechanical excitations over long distances [9,24]. In addition, the available toolbox of single-photon generation and detection allows for remote quantum state control [7]. However...