In this paper we have considered the thermodynamics of a Born-Infeld AdS black hole using inputs from the dual boundary field theory. Here, we have varied the cosmological constant Λ and the Newton's gravitational constant G along with the Born-Infeld parameter b in the bulk. A novel universal critical behaviour of the central charge (occurring in the boundary conformal field theory) in extended black hole thermodynamics for charged black holes has been recently observed [1], and we have extended this study to Born-Infeld AdS black holes. The Born-Infeld parameter has the dimension of inverse length, therefore, when considered in the first law of thermodynamics of the bulk in the mixed form which includes the central charge of the boundary conformal field theory, it modifies the thermodynamic volume and the chemical potential (which are conjugate to pressure and central charge respectively). We observe that due to this inclusion of the Born-Infeld non-linearity in this analysis, the universal nature of the critical value of the central charge observed in [1] breaks down. We also observe an interesting phase transition structure of the black hole due to the variations in both the central charge and the Born-Infeld parameter. Apart from the small black hole to large black hole phase transition behaviour, it also shows Hawking-Page phase transition. It is also observed in our analysis that for a sufficiently small value of the Born-Infeld parameter (small value of this parameter has more prominent non-linear effects), there exists a critical value of the temperature below which there is only Hawking radiation in the system, which in turn implies a thermal AdS spacetime.