We chart out the phase diagram of ultracold 'spin-half' bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice in the presence of Aubry-André (AA) potential and with spin-orbit (SO) and Raman couplings investigating the transition from superfluid (SF) to localized phases and the existence of density wave phase for nearest-neighbor interaction (NNI). We show that the presence of SO coupling and AA potential leads to a novel spin-split momentum distribution of the bosons in the localized phase near the boundary with the SF phase, which can act as a signature of such a transition. We also obtain the level statistics of the bosons in the superfluid phase with finite NNI and demonstrate its change from Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) to Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) as a function of the Raman coupling. We discuss experiments which can test our theory. The study of localization phenomena in correlated systems has regained a new interest recently in the context of many-body localization (MBL) [1, 2]. Ultracold atoms in optical lattices, which act as emulators of strongly correlated model Hamiltonians [3], can serve as test beds for such phenomena [4]. In this context, systems with quasiperiodic potentials, which have posed several interesting theoretical challenges over may decades [5][6][7], turn out to be particularly relevant. A model Hamiltonian describing such a quasiperiodic system is the wellknown Aubry-André (AA) model [8], which, unlike the Andreson model, exhibits localization transition in 1D [8,9]. This property of the AA model has generated an impetus to study MBL [10,11]. Moreover, experimental realization of the AA model in bichromatic optical lattice has led to observation of localization of both light [12] and ultracold matter wave [13,14].In recent past, extensive research on the Bose-Hubbard (BH) model using ultracold bosonic atoms in optical lattices paved the way for studying the effect of interactions on localization phenomenon leading to possible glassy phases [16][17][18][19]. In addition, intense theoretical studies has also been carried out on the BH model in the presence of Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields; such gauge fields have been experimentally realized in atom-laser systems [20,21]. Such systems allow for observation of several exciting phenomena [22][23][24]; most interestingly, they enable us to study strongly interacting bosons in the presence of tunable spin-orbit (SO) coupling [25][26][27][28]. The realization of the AA model in bichromatic lattice and the creation of SO interactions for ultracold bosons therefore provides an unique opportunity to study localization phenomenon induced by the AA potential in presence of tunable SO interactions.In this work, we study a two-species Bose-Hubbard model coupled by Raman frequency Ω, in the presence of an AA potential and a SO coupling and show that such a system leads to several novel features which appear only in the presence of both the AA potential and the SO coupling. The central results of our study are as follows. First, we chart out...