We study variable-rate linear quenches in the anisotropic Heisenberg (XXZ) chain, starting at the XX point. This is equivalent to swithcing on a nearest neighbour interaction for hard-core bosons or an interaction quench for free fermions. The physical observables we investigate are: the energy pumped into the system during the quench, the spin-flip correlation function, and the bipartite fluctuations of the z component of the spin in a box. We find excellent agreement between exact numerics (infinite system time-evolving block decimation, iTEBD) and analytical results from bosonization, as a function of the quench time, spatial coordinate and interaction strength. This provides a stringent and much-needed test of Luttinger liquid theory in a non-equilibrium situation.PACS numbers: 71.10. Pm,75.10.Jm,05.70.Ln, While it is difficult to study genuine non-equilibrium dynamics in solid state systems due to the presence of many relaxation channels (phonons, impurities, interactions etc.), cold atoms in optical lattices provide an ideal laboratory for non-equilibrium investigations due to the high degree of control over various dissipation mechanisms. Cold-atom experiments in the past decade have explored a wide variety of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in previously inaccessible regimes [1,2]. This has also led to an increasing amount of theoretical activity [2,3]. Key issues include thermalization as well as equilibration and their relation to integrability [2], pumping beyond the adiabatic limit or quantum fluctuation relations [4], and universal near-adiabatic dynamics in quantum critical systems [2,3]. Linear quenches occuring over a finite time can interpolate between the more familiar limits of an instantaneous quench and an adiabatic sweep. Very recently, a few experiments have examined the response of many-body experiments to such finitetime quenches [5,6]. It is thus of vital current interest to address the dynamics under linear sweeps of system parameters such as interaction strength.The response of a system to an external perturbation depends sensitively on its spatial dimension, as famously demonstrated in the experiment of Ref. [7]. There, one dimensional interacting bosons did not reach thermalization within the experimental timescale, while their higher dimensional realizations did. One dimensional systems are notoriously strongly correlated due to the limited phase space for scattering. The non-interacting ground state is immediately destroyed by interactions, forming a Luttinger liquid (LL) in many instances [8,9], and described by critical phenomena of collective modes with anomalous (non-integer) power-law dependence of correlation functions.Quantum quenches in Luttinger liquids have been addressed by several authors [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. However, it is not clear to what extent the Luttinger liquid (LL) picture, which is a genuine low energy description, is applicable under non-equilibrium circumstances [17]. For an abrupt interaction change, certain observables revealed universal LL ...