The Fowler-Nordheim (FN) theoretical model has been successfully used to explain the phenomenon of electron field emission (FE) from various metallic and semiconductor surfaces. One of the key parameters in the FN model is the local extraction field, which is usually very difficult to determine for real experimental setups. Consequently the field enhancement (i.e. the ration between the extraction and the macroscopic applied field) emerged as a necessary fitting parameter. The discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and other high aspect ratio structures introduced important supplementary difficulties when implementing the FN formalism. One such problem is the influence of the electronic structure on the FE process [1][2][3][4]. Other unique situations arise when the anode is moved very close to the emitter's tip, at distances comparable to its radius [5,6] when structural changes to the potential energy barrier to the vacuum are likely to appear. In order to account for all these effects, a detailed model of the electron transfer from a CNT into the vacuum is needed.In the present work, we consider a system of a grounded CNT of length L and radius r 0 (the emitter) facing a spherical anode of radius R a (R a >>r 0 ). The anode is placed at some distance away from the emitter's tip. The CNT is modelled as a two-dimensional (2D) manifold where electrons behave as quasifree and independent particles [3,4]. The electrons are bound on the CNT surface by a onedimensional (1D) potential well, due to the restriction imposed by the cylindrical symmetry. The potential energy of the quasi-free electrons takes an overall position independent value of -W 0 (the origin of the energy scale is taken at the Fermi level). In order to have a full description of the electron behaviour in the *