As mature neutron stars are cold (on the relevant temperature scale), one has to carefully consider the state of matter in their interior. The outer kilometer or so is expected to freeze to form an elastic crust of increasingly neutron-rich nuclei, coexisting with a superfluid neutron component, while the star's fluid core contains a mixed superfluid/superconductor. The dynamics of the star depend heavily on the parameters associated with the different phases. The presence of superfluidity brings new degrees of freedom-in essence we are dealing with a complex multi-fluid systemand additional features: Bulk rotation is supported by a dense array of quantised vortices, which introduce dissipation via mutual friction, and the motion of the superfluid is affected by the socalled entrainment effect. This brief survey provides an introduction to-along with a commentary on our current understanding of-these dynamical aspects, paying particular attention to the role of entrainment, and outlines the impact of superfluidity on neutron-star seismology.
I. NEUTRON STAR SUPERFLUIDITYDuring its first moments of existence, just after the supernova core collapse, a newly born neutron star can be thought of as a hot, rotating, "ball" of superdense nuclear material. Thermal aspects play a key role during the early stages of evolution, and it is essentially the loss of the associated pressure support (through the emission of neutrinos) that leads to the newly born object shrinking from a radius of about 20 km to the typical size of a "mature" neutron star; likely just over 10 km. Once the temperature drops below about 10 10 K (or 1 MeV for anyone of a nuclear physics persuasion)-after the first 20-100 s [1]-the thermal contribution to the pressure may be ignored and we can meaningfully consider the object as a-now gradually evolving-neutron star. From the nuclear physics point of view, the object is cold. In fact, it so cold that we have to consider the precise state of matter.Laboratory experiments tell us that two things may happen when we cool a fluid. It may freeze-as in the familiar winter-time example of water forming ice-or it may become superfluid-as in the case of low-temperature laboratory experiments on Helium. The latter outcome is less common, as it requires quantum fluctuations to prevent the formation of a regular particle lattice. However, neutron stars-obviously, not hands-on laboratories!-are expected to manifest both phases. The outer kilometer or so forms the star's crust, a lattice composed of increasingly neutronrich nuclei [2]. The outer core of the star is expected to contain a mixture of superfluid neutrons-forming a condensate due to an analogue of Cooper pairing below a density-dependent critical temperature, see figure 1-alongside a charge neutral conglomerate of protons and electrons (with muons also coming into play as the density increases). This may already seem a fairly complicated system, but we need (at least) two further features. First, beyond a density of about 4 × 10 11 g/cm 3 , neutrons start...