Article:Nikolaev, V V and Avrutin, E A 5488-3222 (2003)
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TakedownIf you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. Abstract-We analyze the dependence of the carrier escape time from a single-quantum-well optoelectronic device on the aplied electric field and well width and depth. For this purpose, a new simple and computationally efficient theory is developed. This theory is accurate in the case of electrons, and the assessment of the applicability for holes is given. Semi-analytical expressions for the escape times are derived. Calculations are compared to experimental results and previous numerical simulations. Significant correlations between the position of quantum-well energy levels and the value of the escape time are found. The main escape mechanism at room temperature is established to be thermally assisted tunneling/emission through near-barrier-edge states. The formation of a new eigenstate in the near-barrier-edge energy region is found to reduce the electron escape time significantly, which can be used for practical device optimization.Index Terms-Optoelectronic devices, quantum wells (QWs), saturable absorbers.