We analyze the restoration pattern of the members of the scalar and pseudoscalar meson nonets under chiral Oð4Þ and Uð1Þ A symmetries. For that purpose, we exploit QCD Ward identities (WI), which allow one to relate susceptibilities with quark condensates, as well as susceptibility differences with meson vertices. In addition, we consider the low-energy realization of QCD provided by Uð3Þ chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) at finite temperature to perform a full analysis of the different correlators involved. Our analysis suggests Uð1Þ A partner restoration if chiral symmetry partners are also degenerated. This is also confirmed by the ChPT analysis when the light chiral limit is reached. Partner degeneration for the I ¼ 1=2 sector, the behavior of I ¼ 0 mixing and the temperature scaling of meson masses predicted by WI are also studied. Special attention is paid to the connection of our results with recent lattice analyses.