In this thesis we study two problems dealing with digraphs: a packing problem and a counting problem. We study the problem of packing the maximum number of arborescences in the random digraph D(n, p), where each possible arc is included uniformly at random with probability p = p(n). Let λ(D(n, p)) denote the largest integer λ ≥ 0 such that, for all 0 ≤ ≤ λ, we have −1 i=0 (− i)|{v : d in (v) = i}| ≤. We show that the maximum number of arc-disjoint arborescences in D(n, p) is λ(D(n, p)) asymptotically almost surely. We also give tight estimates for λ(D(n, p)) for every p ∈ [0, 1]. The main tools that we used were expansion properties of random digraphs, the behavior of in-degree of random digraphs and a classic result by Frank relating subpartitions and number of arborescences. For the counting problem, we study the density of fixed strongly connected subtournaments on 5 vertices in large tournaments. We determine the maximum density asymptotically for five tournaments as well as unique extremal sequences for each tournament. As a byproduct of this study we also characterize tournaments that are recursive blow-ups of a 3-cycle as tournaments that avoid three specific tournaments of size 5. We use the theory of flag algebras as a main tool for this problem and combinatorial settings obtained from semidefinite method.