High‐throughput screening (HTS) is a technique mostly used by pharmaceutical companies to rapidly screen multiple libraries of compounds to find drug hits with biological or pharmaceutical activity. Mass spectrometry (MS) has become a popular option for HTS given that it can simultaneously resolve hundreds to thousands of compounds without additional chemical derivatization. For this application, it is convenient to do direct analysis from well plates. Herein, we present the development of an infrared matrix‐assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization (IR‐MALDESI) source coupled directly to an Agilent 6545 for direct analysis from well plates. The source is coupled to a quadrupole time‐of‐flight (Q‐TOF) mass spectrometer to take advantage of the high acquisition rates without sacrificing resolving power as required with Orbitrap or Fourier‐transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) instruments. The laser used for this source operates at 100 Hz, firing 1 pulse‐per‐burst, and delivers around 0.7 mJ per pulse. Continuously firing this laser for an extended duration makes it a quasi‐continuous ionization source. Additionally, a metal capillary was constructed to extend the inlet of the mass spectrometer, increase desolvation of electrospray charged droplets, improve ion transmission, and increase sensitivity. Its efficiency was compared with the conventional dielectric glass capillary by measured signal and demonstrated that the metal capillary increased ionization efficiency due to its more uniformly distributed temperature gradient. Finally, we present the functionality of the source by analyzing tune mix directly from well plates. This source is a proof of concept for HTS applications using IR‐MALDESI coupled to a different MS platform.