First-order perturbation expressions are developed for the first cumulant (initial time derivative) of the dynamic structure factor observable by photon-correlation measurements of the light scattered by flexible chain molecules in solution. A dimensionless coefficient C, which measures the initial departure ofthe first cumulant from proportionality to the square ofthe scattering vector, is found to be only slightly altered by excluded-volume effects.Quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) offers a powerful method for the characterization ofmacromolecules in solution (1). With modem photon-correlation methods, the dynamic structure factor S(q,t) can be measured with quite high precision, and in most cases an accurate value of the first cumulant (initial time derivative) of the dynamic structure factor can be obtained (2, 3). By invocation of the known properties (4) of the usual polymer diffusion equation, Akcasu and Gurol (5) showed that the first cumulant can be expressed as an equilibrium average:where q is the scattering vector with a magnitude q = (41r/A)sin(0/2), involving the scattering angle 6 and the wavelength A in the solvent medium; t is time. The denominator of Eq. 1 is the wellknown (5) equilibrium particle scattering factor:where Rjk iS the vector-between structural elementsj and k. The numerator of Eq. 1 requires a knowledge ofthe diffusion tensor DJk. In most applications, this is given the form applied to polymer problems by Kirkwood and Riseman (6), which reads Djk/kBT = ajk C11k + (1 -6jk)(81T7oROk) (1 + IRRk Ok). [3] In this formula, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is absolute temperature, ; is the friction coefficient of a chain element, qO is the solvent viscosity, and PJk = IRikI . The Akcasu-Gurol recipe, Eq. 1, has been applied to a number of different polymer models (5, 7-11), and it has been shown (10, 11) how such calculations can aid in the estimation of branching and polydispersity in polymer samples, provided that excluded volume effects can be neglected.In most polymer solutions, excluded volume effects on chainlength-dependent properties must be taken into account (12).Supplementing previous work on the excluded volume effect in QELS, we offer here a rigorous first-order perturbation treatment, using well-established methods. Our results indicate that the estimation of branching or polydispersity from QELS will not be seriously affected by excluded-volume interactions.
General formulationIt is convenient to implement the averaging process of Eq. 1 in two stages: first, an average over orientations of R with respect to q, and then the average over magnitudes ok. After the first stage, we have N N r/q2 = (NkBT/I) 1 + (C/41r%)q N2