For the first time thick orientation-patterned GaP (OPGaP) was repeatedly grown heteroepitaxially on OPGaAs templates as a quasi-phase matched medium for frequency conversion in the mid and longwave IR, and THz regions. The OP templates were fabricated by wafer-bonding and in a MBE-assisted polarity inversion process. Standard low-pressure hydride vapor phase epitaxy (LP-HVPE) was used for one-step growth of up to 400 µm thick device quality OPGaP with excellent domain fidelity. The presented results can be viewed as the missing link between a welldeveloped technique for preparation of OP templates, using one robust nonlinear optical material (GaAs), and the subsequent thick epitaxial growth on them of another material (GaP). The reason for these efforts is that the second material has some indisputable advantages in point of view of thermal and optical properties but the preparation of native templates encounters challenges, which makes it difficult to obtain high quality homoepitaxial growth at an affordable price. Successful heteroepitaxial growth at such a relatively high lattice mismatch (-3.6%) in a close to equilibrium growth process such as HVPE is noteworthy, especially when previously reported attempts, for example, growth of OPZnSe on OPGaAs templates at about 10 times smaller lattice mismatch (+ 0.3%) have produced only limited results. Combining the advantages of the two most promising nonlinear materials, GaAs and GaP, is a solution that will accelerate the development of high power, tunable laser sources for the IR and THz region, which are in great demand on the market.