Let F be a non-archimedean local field of residue characteristic p, let Ĝ be a split connected reductive group over Z[ 1 p ] with an action of W F , and let G L denote the semidirect product Ĝ ⋊ W F . We construct a moduli space of Langlands parameters W F → G L , and show that it is locally of finite type and flat over Z[ 1 p ], and that it is a reduced local complete intersection. We give parameterizations of the connected components of this space over algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero and characteristic ℓ = p, as well as of the components of the space over Z ℓ and (conjecturally) over Z[ 1 p ]. Finally, we study the functions on this space that are invariant under conjugation by Ĝ (or, equivalently, the GIT quotient of this space by Ĝ) and give a complete description of this ring of functions after inverting an explicit finite set of primes depending only on G L .