We calculate the production rate via e+e-annihilation for a charmed p-wave meson of J P = 1 +, on the basis of a non-relativistic quark model of charmed hadrons. Our results strongly suggest that the charmed axial-vector meson should be found copiously in association with a ground-state charmed meson.There is by now strong evidenceD~sl that the charmed s-wave mesons of JP = oand 1-have in fact been found in e+ e-annihilation. Evidence for charmed baryons has also been reported. 4 l, 5 l The observed masses are consistent with the scheme of charm spectroscopy.a), 7 ) The charmed pseudoscalar meson states n+ (o-) = (cd) and D 0 (0-) = (cu) are produced primarily in association with one or two systems of larger mass. The recoil-mass spectrum against n+ shows a pronounced peak at mass 2.012 Ge VI c 2 ,"l,sl whereas against D 0 it exhibits two sharp peaks at masses 2.005 Ge VI c 2 and 2.147 Ge VI c 2 • D. sl The single peak in the former and the lower (both in height and in mass) peak in the latter are respectively interpreted as due to the associated production of the charmed vector mesons n-* (1 -) and D 0 * (1-) _sl,g) De Rujula, Georgi and Glashow 8 l,!Ol have attributed the higher recoilmass peak against D 0 to the kinematical reflection of the D 0 * D 0 * production.With more accurate values 3 l for the masses involved and with the actual beam energy (ys=4.028±0.005GeV) it has subsequently been claimed 1 D that the effect of the kinematical reflection alone is not sufficient to explain the quite pronounced higher narrow peak. Hence, in a recent Letterw by Suzuki an alternative interpretation has been put forward that the higher recoil-mass peak may be due to the production of a charmed P-wave meson state D 0 ** (D 0 **)(JP = 1 +) in association with D 0 (D 0 ) . The mass of the charmed axial-vector meson D 0 ** (D 0 **) is estimated from the momentum spectrum of D 0 or D 0 to be 2.147 Ge VI c 2 • A crude estimate has been given for the relative abundance of the D 0 D 0 ** and D 0 D 0 * production cross sections from the A 1p7! and wprr couplings via SU( 4) symmetry.De Rujula et al. 10 l also estimated the expected magnitude of the D 0 D 0 ** cross section near its threshold. The mass of D 0 ** (D 0 **) was chosen on the basis of the atomic modeFl of charm spectroscopy. This gives a higher threshold well tl Permanent address. at