Abstract. We compute the large-body and the small-particle Gamma-limit of a family of energies for nematic elastomers. We work under the assumption of small deformations (linearized kinematics) and consider both compressible and incompressible materials. In the large-body asymptotics, even if we describe the local orientation of the liquid crystal molecules according to the model of perfect order (Frank theory), we prove that we obtain a fully biaxial nematic texture (that of the de Gennes theory) as a by-product of the relaxation phenomenon connected to Gamma-convergence. In the case of small particles, we show that formation of new microstructure is not possible, and we describe the map of minimizers of the Gamma-limit as the phase diagram of the mechanical model. 1. Introduction. Studying the microstructure of complex materials is one of the most interesting problems in modern applied mathematics and statistical mechanics. A paradigmatic case is represented by nematic liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs), a class of materials which associate a liquid crystalline texture composed of rigid rod-like molecules (nematic mesogens) with an elastic medium. To sketch the internal organization of this material, we recall that the backbone of the elastomer is constituted by long polymeric chains which are cross-linked to a substrate. Then rod-like molecules of a nematic liquid crystal are linked to the chains. As a result, the topology of the mesogens is fixed and a mechanical deformation can reorient locally the nematic molecules and modify the optical properties of the elastomer. Their interesting properties stem from the interaction between liquid crystalline order and the elastic response of the chains. A very relevant phenomenon observed in nematic elastomers is the large spontaneous deformation accompanying a temperature-induced phase transformation from the isotropic to the nematic state. This deformation can reach 400% with respect to the reference configuration. Moreover, LCEs can deform and bend under UV-light excitation or in the presence of electric or magnetic fields. These properties make them extremely interesting for applications in bioengineering and robotics (e.g., artificial muscles and crystalline).This paper is part of a series of articles concerning the analysis of functionals for LCEs in the scenario of the linearized elasticity. Our main reference on the mathematical theory of elasticity is [10]. We refer to [15], [28], and [29] for a physical and mathematical introduction to liquid crystals and liquid crystal elastomers. The general approach to modeling the nematic mesogens is to define an order tensor [15], [28].
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2355In brief, the information on the orientation and the degree of order of the nematic molecules is encoded in the eigenvectors and in the eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix Q, a state variable which can be defined in three different ways according to the three...