We present numeric results for ground state and angle resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES) for single hole in t-J model coupled to optical phonons. The systematic-error free diagrammatic Monte Carlo is employed where the Feynman graphs for the Matsubara Green function in imaginary time are summed up completely with respect to phonons variables, while magnetic variables are subjected to non-crossing approximation. We obtain that at electron-phonon coupling constants relevant for high Tc cuprates the polaron undergoes self-trapping crossover to strong coupling limit and theoretical ARPES demonstrate features observed in experiment: a broad peak in the bottom of the spectra has momentum dependence which coincides with that of hole in pure t-J model. PACS numbers: 71.10.Fd, 02.70.Ss In the context of broad interest to the challenging properties of the high-T c superconductors, a single hole in the Mott insulator has been studied extensively in terms of the t-J modelwhere c jσ is projected (to avoid double occupancy) fermion annihilation operator, n i < 2 is the occupation number, S i is spin-1/2 operator, and ij denotes nearest-neighbour sites in two-dimensional lattice. Different theoretical approaches (for review and recent studies see Refs. 1, 2, 3, 4) give consistent results for the. Namely, the LSFs at all momenta have a quasiparticle (QP) peak in the low energy part together with a broad incoherent continuum extending up to the energy scale of the order of t. Sharp QP peak in the LSF of the ground state at momentum k = (π/2, π/2) has the weight Z ∼ J/t. This QP peak is sharp at all momenta and it's energy dispersion has the bandwidth W J/t ∼ J. More advanced t-t ′ -t ′′ -J model takes into account long range hopping amplitudes t ′ and t ′′ which alter the bandwidth and dispersion of the QP resonance [5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. It was shown [5] that, depending on the parameters of the t-t ′ -t ′′ -J model, the QP peak can be either enhanced or completely suppressed at a large part of the Brillouin zone. However, at parameters which are needed for description of ARPES measurements on carefully studied [12] Sr 2 CuO 2 Cl 2 (J/t ≈ 0.4, t ′ /t ≈ −0.3, see [6,7,8]), the QP peak remains well defined for all momenta [5,13,14]. Possible damping of the peak [5], in contrast to experiment, is much less than the QP bandwidth. Therefore, the properties of QP peak in t-t ′ -t ′′ -J model at realistic parameters are the same as in generic t-J model.Experimentally, ARPES in the undoped cuprates revealed the LSF of a single hole [10,11] and observed dispersion of the lowest peak in the LSF is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of the t-t ′ -t ′′ -J model [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. The puzzling point is that, in contrast to the theory, experiments never show sharp QP resonance and a broad peak with the width of the order of 0.1-0.5eV (≈ t) is observed instead. Note, that broadening is seen just in undoped systems where the ground state of the single hole is the lowest energy state in the Hilbert space of the (N-1)-electr...