The number of atoms trapped within the mode of an optical cavity is determined in real time by monitoring the transmission of a weak probe beam. Continuous observation of atom number is accomplished in the strong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics and functions in concert with a cooling scheme for radial atomic motion. The probe transmission exhibits sudden steps from one plateau to the next in response to the time evolution of the intracavity atom number, from N 3 to N 2 ! 1 ! 0 atoms, with some trapping events lasting over 1 s. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.143601 PACS numbers: 42.50.Pq, 03.67.-a, 32.80.Pj Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) provides a setting in which atoms interact predominantly with light in a single mode of an electromagnetic resonator [1,2]. Not only can the light from this mode be collected with high efficiency [3], but the associated rate of optical information for determining atomic position can greatly exceed the rate of free-space fluorescent decay employed for conventional imaging [4]. Moreover, the regime of strong coupling, in which coherent atom-cavity interactions dominate dissipation, offers a unique setting for the study of open quantum systems [5]. Dynamical processes enabled by strong coupling in cavity QED provide powerful tools in the emerging field of quantum information science (QIS), including for the realization of quantum computation [6] and distributed quantum networks [7].With these prospects in mind, experiments in cavity QED have made great strides in trapping single atoms in the regime of strong coupling [4,[8][9][10]. However, many protocols in QIS require multiple atoms to be trapped within the same cavity, with ''quantum wiring'' between internal states of the various atoms accomplished by way of strong coupling to the cavity field [6,[11][12][13]. Clearly, the experimental ability to determine the number of trapped atoms coupled to a cavity is a critical first step toward the realization of diverse goals in QIS. Experimental efforts to combine ion trap technology with cavity QED are promising [14], but have not yet reached the regime of strong coupling.In this Letter, we report measurements in which the number of atoms trapped inside an optical cavity is observed in real time. After initial loading of the intracavity dipole trap with N 5 atoms, the decay of atom number N 3 ! 2 ! 1 ! 0 is monitored via the transmission of a near-resonant probe beam, with the transmitted light exhibiting a cascade of ''stair steps'' as successive atoms leave the trap. After the probabilistic loading stage, the time required for the determination of a particular atom number N 1; 2; 3 is much shorter than the mean interval over which the N atoms are trapped. Hence, this scheme can be used to prepare a precise number of trapped intracavity atoms for subsequent experiments in QIS, for which the time scales g ÿ1 10 ÿ8 s 3 s ), where is the atomic trapping time [9] and hg is the atom-field interaction energy. In addition, it requires none of the imaging optics or sh...