Quasielastic (QE) studies at intermediate energies are an important tool to study both nucleonic and nuclear physics issues. In particular, the reasons to consider K + -nucleus scattering have been twofold. On the one hand, the elementary K + N cross section is relatively small compared to other hadronic probes, thus allowing the kaons to penetrate deeper inside the nucleus, making them more suitable to study collective effects. Furthermore, since the K + N cross section is dominated by the scalar-isoscalar channel, kaons turn out to be a quasi-pure probe of this mode. On the other hand, the excess of cross section, with respect to multiple scattering theory predictions, that has been found in K + -nucleus elastic scattering experiments is still unexplained and may be interpreted in terms of an enhancement of the in-medium K + N cross section, σ K + N . This finding has naturally raised the issue of what might be the consequences for QE scattering.A few results from the experiment performed at BNL, taken from Refs. [1,2], are displayed in Figures 1 and 2. In those papers the data have been compared to calculations in a variety of relativistic nuclear structure models (mean field, Hartree and random phase approximation (RPA), both in nuclear matter and finite nucleus), using a simple reaction mechanism in which the distortion of the strongly interacting kaons is accounted for through an effective number of nucleons participating in the reaction, N ef f , i. e.,where dσ K + N /dΩ is the elementary cross section and R(q, ω) the nuclear response function. The agreement might look good, but two observations are in order:i) In those calculations use has been made of the empirical dσ K + N /dΩ and of the "experimental" N ef f , the latter having been obtained by integrating the experimental QE cross sections without accounting for any background. The values for N ef f thus obtained are ∼ 30% higher than Glauber theory predictions. Note that it is rather difficult to interpret this increase of N ef f through a modification of the in-medium K + N cross section. A decrease of σ K + N would give rise to a larger N ef f , but should also reflect in a smaller dσ K + N /dΩ, making QE scattering little sensitive to the *