-The mutual interaction between Cooper pairs is proposed as a mechanism for the superconducting state. Above Tc, pre-existing but fluctuating Cooper pairs give rise to the unconventional pseudogap (PG) state, well-characterized by experiment. At the critical temperature, the pair-pair interaction induces a Bose-like condensation of these preformed pairs leading to the superconducting (SC) state. Below Tc, both the condensation energy and the pair-pair interaction β are proportional to the condensate density Noc(T ), whereas the usual Fermi-level spectral gap ∆p is independent of temperature. The new order parameter β(T ), can be followed as a function of temperature, carrier concentration and disorder -i.e. the phase diagrams. The complexity of the cuprates, revealed by the large number of parameters, is a consequence of the coupling of quasiparticles to Cooper-pair excitations. The latter interpretation is strongly supported by the observed quasiparticle spectral function. I. Introduction. -As Occam's razor would suggest, second order phase transitions often depend on few parameters [1]. Such is the case for the familiar magnetic, spin glass, charge-density wave, structural transitions, etc., and the more exotic Kosterlitz-Thouless case for two-dimensional systems [2]. The superconducting phase of 'classical' materials follows this trend wherein a weak attractive electron-electron interaction is responsible for the transition. Essentially a single energy scale, the SC gap parameter ∆ 0 at zero temperature, is relevant [3]. In the conventional theory of Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer (BCS) [3] pair-breaking quasiparticle excitations restore the normal-metal state at the transition, such that ∆ 0 = 1.76 k B T c . Moreover, ∆ 0 fixes the scale of the critical currents, for example in a Josephson junction, the upper critical field and the coherence length, such as the vortex core radius.