We review the history of Quaternary pollen analysis from 1916 to the present-day, with particular emphasis on methodological and conceptual developments and on the early pioneers of the subject. The history is divided into three phases-the pioneer phase 1916-1950, the building phase 1951-1973, and the mature phase 1974-present-day. We also explore relevant studies prior to Lennart von Post's seminal lecture in 1916 in Kristiania (Oslo) in an attempt to trace how the idea of Quaternary pollen analysis with quantitative pollen counting and stratigraphical pollen diagrams developed. Keywords Concepts Gunnar Erdtman History Human impact Johs Iversen Knut Faegri Lennart von Post Methods Palaeoclimatology Pioneer, building, and mature phases Pioneers Pollen-representation studies Relative and radiocarbon dating Quaternary geology Quaternary pollen analysis Taphonomy This paper is based in part on the lectures we gave at the Centenary (1916-2016) of Pollen Analysis and the Legacy of Lennart von Post held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm on 24-25 November 2016. This meeting was generously supported by the Linnaeus University, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. We are very grateful to Marie-José Gaillard and Kevin J Edwards for the invitation to present our lectures; to Hilary Birks for many helpful discussions and invaluable practical assistance, to the late Svend Th.