pK,, values have been measured for cation-pseudobase equilibration by 4-X-2-methylisoquinolinium cations (1) (X = Br. CONH,, COC6Hs, CN, NO,) at 25"C, ionic strength0.1. ThesepK,, valuesare wellcorrelated by Hammett equationsusingeithero or o-prrra substituent constants. The best correlation gives: pKRT = -8.8 (k 0.3) c r , + 16.5 (f 0.2) (r = 0.998). The value pK,+ = 16.29 measured by Cook r t a / . (Tetrahedron, 32, 1773(Tetrahedron, 32, (1976) for the 2-methylisoquinolinium cation in dimethyl sulfoxide -water solutions is in reasonable agreement with this correlation equation. For the 2-methyl-5-nitrophthalazinium cation, pk',,, = 7.87, and pKRo_ = 12.10 for alkoxide ion formation by the pseudobase of this cation.The pH dependence of the pseudo first-order rate constants (k,,,) for cation-pseudobase equilibration has been measured for 1:X = CONH,, COC6H,, CN and for the 2-methylphthalazinium cation (3) and its 5-NO, derivative (4). For each of these cations, k, =koH[-OH] + kHZo and k, = k,[H+] + k, and the par-ameters koH kHgo. k,. and k, have been evaluated. Fol-l : X = CONH, and CN and 3, k,, is consistent with a correlation line between log k, , and pK,+ established for other isoquinolinium cations (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 99, 1189Soc. 99, (1977). For 1:X = COC,H,, koH is seven-fold smaller, and for 4. k,, is five-fold greater than predicted by this correlation line. (Tetrahedron, 32, 1773(Tetrahedron, 32, (1976)pourle