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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRCThis publication could be one of several versions: author's original, accepted manuscript or the publisher's version. / La version de cette publication peut être l'une des suivantes : la version prépublication de l'auteur, la version acceptée du manuscrit ou la version de l'éditeur. Sciences, 7, 3, pp. 982-987, 1970-05-01 Thermal conductivity of frozen soils Penner, E. Thermal conductivity measurements of two frozen soils, Leda clay and Sudbury silty clay, taken at temperatures between 0 and -22 "C by means of a thermal probe and a transient heat flow technique, compare favorably with estimates of thermal conductivity calculated by the DeVries method. Both measured and estimated values show a similar trend of increasing thermal conductivity as the temperature is lowered and the ice content grows. This increase is associated with the higher thermal conductivity of ice compared with that of water.
Canadian Journal of EarthThe thermal conductivity of soil is known to be strongly dependent on density, mineral type, grain size, and moisture content (Kersten 1949), but relatively insensitive to temperature changes above 0 "C. Below 0 "C, where soils have a temperature-dependent ice content, a constant thermal conductivity cannot be assumed in heat flow calculations because the thermal conductivity of ice is more than four times greater than that of water.It is known that all the water in soil and other porous systems does not freeze at the same temperature; that the ice content gradually increases as the temperature is lowered (Love11 1957, Penner 1963a, Williams 1964. The relation between temperature below freezing and the amount of ice and water is peculiar to each soil in much the same way as is the pF1-moisture content relation. The main factors thought to control the amount of water in frozen soils are specific surface area, mineral type, kind of exchangeable ions, soluble salt content of the pore water, and pore size distribution. In general and for an originally saturated system, fine textured soils contain more unfrozen water at a given temperature below freezing than do coarse textured soils.In the present paper thermal conductivity was determined by a transient heat flow method using a line heat source developed (according to Woodside 1958) by Stalhane and Pyk (1931). This method has been used by Woodside and Cliffe (1959) and by Penner (1962) for unfrozen soils, but no previous attempt has been made to apply the method to frozen soils. For comparison with measured values the thermal conductivity of two soils is estimated using the DeVries (1952DeVries ( , 1963 approach.
Methods and Materials Thermal Conductivity MeasurementsA transient heat flow method using a line heat source was employed to measu...