To the Editor: Falls are a major public health problem for older adults and society. There are many risk factors for falls in older adults, such as age, gait, balance, muscle strength, and visual acuity. 1 Above all, gait speed is a good predictor of falls. 2 Because movement velocity of lower limbs is a strong predictor of gait speed, 3,4 it may be useful as a predictor of falls. Movement velocity was measured to determine whether it has an influence on falls in healthy older adults. To clarify the characteristics of movement velocity itself, the velocity of the upper limbs and trunk was also measured.
Community-dwelling older adults (N = 112; aged 74.1 AE 6.0, 28 male, 84 female) participated in this study. Participants were recruited through local senior centers. Each participant signed a written informed consent form, and the human ethics committee of Osaka Prefecture University approved this study. a Student t-test. b Chi-square test. c Mann-Whitney U test. SD = standard deviation.