Various Schlesinger transformations can be combined with a direct pull-back of a hypergeometric 2×2 system to obtain RS 2 4 -pullback transformations to isomonodromic 2 × 2 Fuchsian systems with 4 singularities. The corresponding Painlevé VI solutions are algebraic functions, possibly in different orbits under Okamoto transformations. This paper demonstrates a direct computation of Schlesinger transformations acting on several apparent singular points, and presents an algebraic procedure (via syzygies) of computing algebraic Painlevé VI solutions without deriving full RS-pullback transformations.An important observation is that the same rational covering R(x) can be used in several RS-pullback transformations. Application of different RS-transformations to respectively different matrix differential equations gives different algebraic Painlevé VI solutions. For example, [26] demonstrates usage of the same degree 10 covering to pullback three different hypergeometric equations (with the local monodromy differences 1/2, 1/3, k/7 with k = 1, 2 or 3) and obtain three algebraic Painlevé VI solutions unrelated by fractional-linear or Okamoto transformations.In our other concrete examples, we start with matrix hypergeometric equations with the icosahedral monodromy group. The pullbacked Fuchsian equations have the icosahedral monodromy group as well. Corresponding Painlevé VI solutions are called icosahedral [3]. There are 52 types of icosahedral Painlevé VI solutions in total [3], up to branching representation of the icosahedral monodromy group (or equivalently, up to Okamoto transformations). We recompute icosahedral solutions of Boalch types 26, 27, 31, 32. Second order ordinary Fuchsian equations (or 2 × 2 first order matrix Fuchsian equations) with a finite monodromy group are always pullbacks of a standard hypergeometric equation with the same monodromy group, as asserted by celebrated Klein's theorem [19]. In particular, existence of pull-back transformations for the four icosahedral examples follows from Klein's theorem. R. Fuchs [12] soon considered extension of Klein's theorem to algebraic solutions of Painlevé equations. Recently, Ohyama and Okumura [22] showed that algebraic solutions of Painlevé equations from the first to the fifth do arise from pullback transformations of confluent hypergeometric equations, affirming the formulation of R. Fuchs. The pullback method for computing algebraic Painlevé VI solutions was previously suggested in [18], [2], [17], [7]. The alternative representation-theoretic approach is due to Dubrovin-Mazzocco [9]. Recently, it was used [20] to complete classification of algebraic Painlevé VI solutions.The article is organized as follows. Section 2 presents two almost Belyi coverings we employ. The coverings have degree 8 and 12; they were previously used in [18]. Section 3 demonstrates two examples of full RS-pullback transformations, both with respect to the degree 8 covering. In Section 4 we formulate basic algebraic facts useful in computations of RS-pullback transformations....