We exhibit a theoretical calculation of the parameter β appearing in the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) with only a quadratic term in the momentum. A specific numerical value is obtained by comparing the GUP-deformed Unruh temperature with the one predicted within the framework of Caianiello's theory of maximal acceleration. The physical meaning of this result is discussed in connection with constraints on β previously fixed via both theoretical and experimental approaches.PACS numbers: * gluciano@sa.infn.it † lpetruzziello@na.infn.it 1 Throughout the work, we set = c = 1, but we explicitly show the Newton constant G and the Boltzmann constant k B . The Planck length is defined as ℓp = √ G, the Planck energy as Ep ℓp = 1/2, and the Planck mass as mp = Ep, so that 2 ℓp mp = 1.