Difference-sideband generation in an optomechanical system coupled to a charged object is investigated beyond the conventional linearized description of optomechanical interactions. An exponential decay law for difference-sideband generation in the presence of electric interaction is identified which exhibits more sensitivity to electrical charges than the conventional linearized effects. Using exact the same parameters with previous work based on the linearized dynamics of the optomechanical interactions, we show that optomechanically induced difference-sideband generation may enable an all-optical sensor for precision measurement of electrical charges with higher precision and lower power. The proposed mechanism is especially suited for on-chip optomechanical devices, where nonlinear optomechanical interaction in the weak coupling regime is within current experimental reach.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ta, 42.50.Wk Micromechanical resonators, in combination with a high Q optical cavity via resonantly enhanced feedback-backaction arising from radiation pressure, can be used to manipulate light propagation exotically [1,2] and provides a special platform for performing precision measurement [3][4][5] and force sensors [6,7] due to their important properties of small masses and high integrability. The force sensors based on the optomechanical interaction is usually carried out via the correlations between the measured quantities and output spectra, and precision measurement of electrical charges [8] in an optomechanical system has been suggested based on the effect of optomechanically induced transparency, where sharp transmission features controlled by the control laser beam exhibit Coulomb-interaction dependent effect that can be well understood through the linearization of the optomechanical interactions [9][10][11]. Compared with traditional methods, optomechanical sensors allows for remote sensing via optical fibers and relies free on naturally occurring resonances [3,4].Recently, due to the prominent applications in precision measurement and optical combs, nonlinear optomechanical interactions have emerged as a new frontier in cavity optomechanics [12], and have enabled many interesting topics, such as second-order sideband generation [13][14][15][16], sideband comb [17,18], optomechanical chaos [19], and carrier-envelope phase-dependent effects [20]. It has been shown that nonlinear signals in the optomechanical system could be a sensitive tool for performing precision measurement of the average phonon number and may provide measurement with higher precision [21,22].Nonlinear features of optomechanical systems with multiple probe field driven have been discussed recently [23], and spectral signals at difference sideband has been demonstrated analytically which provides an effective way for light manipulation and precision measurement in a solid-state architecture [24]. In the present work, difference-sideband generation in an optomechanical system coupled to a charged object is analytically investigated and pre...