A bibliographic list of 403 articles dealing specifically with conditioned taste aversions from 1950-1975 is provided. In addition, the references are classified according to six major categories in a topical index. The major categories are Parameters of Conditioning, Physiological Manipulations, Pharmacological Interventions, Methodology, Comparative, and General Information. References were obtained from individual journals in psychology, physiology, pharmacology, and animal behavior and were supplemented and extended by Psychological Abstracts. A final source of references was provided by individual researchers who contributed preprints and reprints.If consumption of a particular substance is followed by poison, the rat decreases consumption of that substance on a subsequent exposure. This phenomenon has been defined as a conditioned taste aversion---conditioned, because of the necessity of an association between the substance and poison; aversion, because the rat apparently avoids consumption of the previously poisoned substance; taste, because this avoidance is a reaction to the taste of the previously poisoned substance. Although initially demonstrated in rats poisoned by X-irradiation, conditioned taste aversions have subsequently been extended to include a wide range of taste stimuli, species, and toxins. More recently, the biological adaptiveness, associative nature, and the underlying physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of conditioned taste aversions have been studied. These new approaches and interests have provided a wide range of topics in conditioned taste aversions as well as a rapidly growing literature. The most recent application of conditioned taste aversions to addiction and predation is further expanding this range.The present bibliography is an attempt to bring the literature from 1950 to 1975 into a workable list. Only articles specifically addressing conditioned taste aversions are included. By this restriction, a number of interesting and importantly related topics have been excluded. More specifically, these topics are mimicry, alcoholism, and specific hungers. These topics are included only when they are directly examined in relation to conditioned taste aversions.In addition to the alphabetical listing, the articles are cross-referenced in a topical index according to six major categories. These categories should provide anThe authors would like to thank the many colleagues who generously contributed information for this bibliography. The authors especially thank V. M. LoLordo for his time and helpful suggestions throughout this project. Requests for reprints should be sent to Anthony L. Riley, Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4Jl. An incomplete listing of convention papers, doctoral dissertations, and master's theses are also available upon request. empirical base of the specific parameters in which conditioned taste aversions operate. A listing of related articles and books, as well as literature and theoretical reviews, should provi...