Bremsstrahlung radiation emission is an important energy loss mechanism for energetic electrons in plasmas. In this paper we investigate the effect of spontaneous bremsstrahlung emission on the momentum−space structure of the electron distribution, fully accounting for the emission of finite −energy photons by modeling the bremsstrahlung interactions with a Boltzmann collision operator. We find that electrons accelerated by electric fields can reach significantly higher energies than predicted by the commonly used radiative stopping−power model. Furthermore, we show that the emission of soft photons can contribute significantly to the dynamics of electrons with an anisotropic distribution by causing pitch−angle scattering at a rate that increases with energy.Energetic electrons are ubiquitous in plasmas, and bremsstrahlung radiation is one of their most important energy loss mechanisms [1,2]. At sufficiently high electron energy, around a few hundred megaelectronvolts in hydrogen plasmas, the energy loss associated with the emission of bremsstrahlung radiation dominates the energy loss by collisions. Bremsstrahlung emission can also strongly affect electrons at lower energies, particularly in plasmas containing highly charged ion species.An important electron acceleration process, producing energetic electrons in both space and laboratory plasmas, is the runaway mechanism [3]. In the presence of an electric field which exceeds the minimum to overcome collisional friction [4], a fraction of the charged particles can detach from the bulk population and be accelerated to high energies, where radiative losses become important. Previous studies of laboratory plasmas [5, 6] and lightning discharges [7] have shown that the energy carried away by bremsstrahlung radiation is important in limiting the energy of runaway electrons. The effect of bremsstrahlung radiation loss on energeticelectron transport has also been considered in astrophysical plasmas, for example in the context of solar flares [8]. However, only the average bremsstrahlung friction force on test particles has been considered in these studies. In this paper, we present the first quantitative kinetic study of how bremsstrahlung emission affects the runaway-electron distribution function.Starting from the Boltzmann electron transport equation, we derive a collision operator representing bremsstrahlung radiation reaction, fully accounting for the finite energies and emission angles of the emitted photons. We implement the operator in a continuum kinetic-equation solver [9], and use it to study the effect of bremsstrahlung on the distribution of electrons in 2D momentum space. We find significant differences in the distribution function when bremsstrahlung losses are modeled with a Boltzmann equation (referred to as the 'Boltzmann' or 'full' bremsstrahlung model), compared to the model where only the average friction force is accounted for (the 'mean-force' model). In the former model, the maximum energy reached by the energetic electrons is significantly high...