Abstract. We investigated influence of stellar oscillations on the electrodynamics of pulsars as well as magnetars magnetosphere. Besides finding noticeable modification of electromagnetic field and charge density in the polar cap vicinity of oscillating neutron stars we proposed qualitative hypotheses explaining phenomena of part time pulsars as well as sporadic radio emission from generally radio-quiet magnetars with the help of stellar oscillations.Keywords. Stars: neutron, stars: oscillations, (stars:) pulsars: general.Investigations of oscillating neutron stars are motivated by the detection of quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) in the spectra of soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), which are thought to be neutron stars with very strong magnetic fields (Duncan & Thompson (1992)). The idea that stellar oscillations may induce high energy emission in neutron star magnetospheres was developed in a series of papers by Timokhin and collaborators (see Timokhin et al. (2000), Timokhin et al. (2008)), after the first pioneering investigations in McDermott et al. (1984), Muslimov & Tsygan (1986) and Rezzolla & Ahmedov (2004), where the case of an oscillating neutron star in a vacuum was considered. Starting from Abdikamalov et al. (2009), where the theoretical basis of our approach was developed, in a series of papers (Morozova et al. (2010), Morozova et al. (2012), Zanotti et al. (2012)) we have explored the influence of neutron star oscillations on such characteristics of pulsar and magnetar magnetosphere as charge density and electromagnetic field in the polar cap region of the magnetosphere, electromagnetic energy losses as well as conditions for the charged particles acceleration in the magnetosphere. In our research we used toroidal model of stellar oscillations described in Unno et al. (1989).In Morozova et al. (2010) we explored the magnetosphere of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star subject to toroidal oscillations in the relativistic regime. Under the assumption of a zero inclination angle between the magnetic moment and the angular momentum of the star, we analysed the Goldreich-Julian charge density and derived a second-order differential equation for the electrostatic potential. The analytical solution of this equation in the polar cap region of the magnetosphere revealed noticeable modification induced by oscillations on the accelerating electric field and on the charge density. We found that, after decomposing the oscillation velocity in terms of spherical harmonics, the first few modes with m = 0, 1 are responsible for energy losses that are almost linearly dependent on the amplitude of the oscillations and that, for the mode (l, m) = (2, 1), can be a factor ∼ 8 larger than the rotational energy losses, even for a velocity oscillation amplitude small in comparison with the linear velocity of stellar rotation. Based on these results we proposed a qualitative model for the explanation of the phenomenology of intermittent pulsars (Lyne (2009)