“…The geochronological synthesis of the development and sedimentary history of the Su Fossu de Cannas cave. Azzaroli, 1952Azzaroli, , 1961Comaschi Caria, 1955, 1956Cordy and Ozer, 1973;Caloi and Malatesta, 1974;Caloi et al, 1981;Gliozzi et al, 1984;Klein Hofmeijer, 1997;Antonioli et al, 1998;Ginesu et al, 1998Ginesu et al, , 2003Melis et al, 2002;Abbazzi et al, 2004;Benzi et al, 2007;Fanelli et al, 2007). The two species, P. sardus and P. cazioti, are associated with M. henseli, and belong to the Sardinian Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) Faunal Complex (FC), in particular to the youngest Dragonara Fauna sub-Complex (FsC: Palombo, 2006Palombo, , 2009.…”